美国禁忌 第一季下载 迅雷下载,开设葡萄酒欣赏班和品酒会,组织与美国的酿酒师的直接交流和访问加州葡萄酒庄等主题活动,致力于向中国广大的葡萄酒爱好者推荐美国加..,批发和零售美国加州葡萄酒的贸易公司。通过其葡萄酒产品,"Rutherford Bench China (RBC) is a premium wine company that imports distributes and retails only the best American wines from California’s finest vineyards. RBC aims to promote the dynamic culture and lifestyle of California wine country to the Chinese consumers through wine education direct and intimate interactions with vintners and visits to California vineyards. RBC is the first and ONLY exclusive supplier of California wine in China.RBC focuses on B-B distribution while Napa Reserve serves as its retail flagship store. We bring to wine lovers in China a critical mass of California wines with a wide price range that caters to both serious wine collectors and everyday drinking needs. 好沃山酒业贸易(上海)有限公司是一家进。

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